Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Love in The Taming of the Shrew Essay - 526 Words

Love in The Taming of the Shrew Wonder, for a moment, what Shakespeare means when he uses the word â€Å"love†, if it really does exist in any of the relationships in this play, particularly between Petruccio and Katherine. Is love not a certainty? Such winds scatters young men through the world To seek their fortunes farther than at home, Where small experience grows. But in in a few, Signor Hortensio, thus it stands with me: Antonio, my father, is deceased, And I have thrust myself into this maze Happily to wive and thriveas best I may.†¦show more content†¦I come to wive it wealthily in Padua; If wealthily, then happily in Padua. (1.2.64-73) He states that he wants a shrewish and curst woman for a wife, but does not mention before his marriage with Katherine his eventual taming of her shrewdness. This is the cause of two things: duty and pride. It is an obvious assumption that one finds it hard to live a desired life with a mate as wild as Katherine, so in taming her, if he does so succeed, she will be like a trained dog. If you whip a ferocious dog enough, refuse it the basic necessities of living, the dog will learn to respect you out of fear and need. Petruccio has ultimate control once they return to his home. Katherine is fed, clothed, and protected by Petruccio, and he is in control of her fate, happiness, and her life. Thus, his fortune and comfort are assured. Sirrah Grumio, go to your mistress. Say I command her come to me. (5.2.99-100) What is your will, sir, that you send for me? (5.2.103-104) In a betting game with fellow newly weds, Petruccio places a price on his wife’s head relying on herShow MoreRelatedThe Power of Love in 10 Things I Hate About You and Taming of the Shrew1491 Words   |  6 PagesThe Power of Love in 10 Things I Hate About You and Taming of the Shrew The Power of Love is portrayed in various themes throughout both. Some of which depict superficial love, motivation by money and love-at-first-sight. These ideas can be contrasted and compared between the 1500 Elizabethan time of Shakespeares play The Taming of the Shrew and the present contemporary period of teenage movie 10 Thing IRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew Analysis1334 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Love is an ever-changing concept which varies from one person to the next. Not all love is positive for some is toxic and destructive. Shakespeare’s 1590s play ‘The taming of the shrew’ is a representation of mainstream society views and ideologies of the Elizabethan era. The play display what woman should do and not do. The play is a precise preservation of how female and males acted towards one another and singularly. Since the play has first be released ideas and belief over certainRead MoreThemes in Taming of the Shrew1433 Words   |  6 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew is a comedy written in the early 1590’s by William Shakespeare. This play within a play starts when a powerful lord plays a prank on a poor, drunken man named Christopher Sly. The lord convinces the poor man that he is actually a lord himself and that the troop of actors that have arrived are there to perform a play for him. This play that the troop of actors performs is the story of Petru chio, who wants to marry for money, and Katherina, the shrew. The two actually marryRead MoreEssay on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare1088 Words   |  5 Pages The Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare, is historical proof that flirting and temptation, relating to the opposite sex, has been around since the earliest of times. Because males and females continue to interact, the complications in this play remain as relevant and humorous today as they did to Elizabethan audiences. This is a very fun play, full of comedy and sexual remarks. Its lasting impression imprints itself into the minds of its readers, for it is an unforgettableRead More Essay on Contrasting Couples in The Taming of the Shrew820 Words   |  4 PagesUse of Contrasting Couples in The Taming of the Shrew      Ã‚   William Shakespeares comedy, The Taming of the Shrew illistrates the difficulty of trying to tame a headstrong, stubborn, and a high-spirited woman so that she will make a docile wife. The one attempting to tame Kate, the shrew, is Petruchio. 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Particularly in â€Å"Taming of the Shrew† and â€Å"10 Thing I Hate About You† because in both of the films, the main male characters Patrick and Petruchio are predominantly motivated by money. However, they ended up falling for Kat and Katharina who have been set up as the archetypal shrews in both films. During the Elizabethan era money was a major factor that influenced society’s view of your personal wealthRead MoreEssay about Deception in Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew910 Words   |  4 PagesYear 10 English In the Shakespearian play: The Taming of the Shrew, deception is one of the major concepts. A tangled web is created in the play through deception of character behavior and the change between clothing and class. Most of the deception in the play have particular motives behind them and create dramatic irony. Shakespeare has used dramatic irony to create a comedic play. 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The movie The Taming of the Shrew was released in 1967, while the newer version came out as, 10 Things I Hate About You which was released in 1999. Even though these two variations are based off the same play they have many similarities

Monday, December 16, 2019

Top Esl Essay Writing Topics Tips!

Top Esl Essay Writing Topics Tips! Choosing online essay writers isn't a nightmare anymore. In other sorts of essays, the content might vary. After you have done your brainstorming and chosen your subject, you may have to do a little bit of investigating to compose a fantastic essay. List three to five topics that you're interested in or would love to write about. You wish to select a topic that's neither too broad nor too narrow. When you understand what your essay should address, spend a small time brainstorming ideas. That is, an essay cannot be boring and dry. In other words, it should say how you plan to prepare for class. The example essay is among the absolute most basic essays in academic writing, but may be exceedingly difficult if you've never written one or don't know what things to write about. Esl Essay Writing Topics - Overview When you're writing, attempt to prevent employing the exact same words and phrases over and over again. Just about any topic can be find in the variety of needed information, at least for a couple paragraphs, with which you may operate to write a superior work. Many people don't read the entire text and they concentrate on the conclusion to learn what the text is all about. Your text ought to have a particular objective to reach a specific audience. The Good, the Bad and Esl Essay Writing Topics The prices of our very best essay writing service aren't the highest and not the lowest on the marketplace. If you're fighting to compose an essay, you are able to either place an order for a completely new part of work on the subject of your choice or you may write it yourself and then order a re-write or proofreading services. Your account is bound to the e-mail you've noted, so please make certain you mention a valid e-mail which it is easy to access to make your account. Now you understand that an honest and qualitative on-line essay writing service can offer great assistance for your learning, it's time to set your purchase. Who Else Wants to Learn About Esl Essay Writing Topics? If you haven't ever written an essay before, or when you struggle with writing and wish to increase your skills, it's a superb notion to experience several actions in the essay writing process. However brilliant a writer is, he or she'll require a brilliant editor to reassess the essay and polish it. If you order from us, you can secure a draft of your paper to be certain your writer is heading in the proper direction. The thesis will often be utilised in your introductory paragraph. Asking our expert to compose an essay, you will realize that an interesting and effective paper is going to be delivered to you eventually. Very good solution is to cover essay. Now you know a bit about what online essay writers do, there are a range of important reasons why you need to only trust experienced academic writers to supply you with an adequate paper. There are lots of important elements which make essay writing homework such a daunting job to finish. The 5-Minute Rule for Esl Essay Writing Topics Essays are typical in elementary, middle, higher school and college, and you might even must compose essays in the industry world (although they're usually called reports'' at that point). Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. They are just starting with English. They will participate in online discussions as well as peer review. The Ultimate Esl Essay Writing Topics Trick Which is the reason we screen our writers' degrees and qualif ications until they write for all of us. To comprehend what the key points could form the foundation for future scientific work. What's more, such writing experts have qualifications from reliable institutions in a selection of subject including biology, organization, literature and economics amongst others. Even the most well-known examples need context. Whispered Esl Essay Writing Topics Secrets An excellent essay writer is equipped to handle their time well to be able to freelance, meaning he or she's available at all times for work. Keep in mind that each new idea needs to be developed into a distinct paragraph. When you analyze your subject, you should inform the reader about its basic concepts and then you'll want to analyze the issue in a suitable way. After all, the very first thing you need to analyze the subject of the work.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Improvement and Change

Question:- Since July 2012 Thomas Cook is now seen to be on a more robust and sound footing since the new board was assembled. With its debt vastly reduced and re-financed and its first phase of change management behind them. Thomas Cook has now progressed into the 21st century with its next change programme Wave 2 one of incremental long-term change. Two of the major introductions of change in the past two years were Thomas Cook introducing its e-commerce platform and entering a stage of strategic alliances with businesses around the world rather than one of merger and acquisition. Thomas Cook has firmly put the customer experience to the fore of what it does, with the added provision of letting the staff do what is best by decentralising decisions to do with the customer experience to the staff themselves. The commercial drivers are now customer experience excellence best in class, a rebuilding of reserves and improving stakeholder relations. Report Questions 1. Building on your teams assessment of Thomas Cooks capabilities and competences, critically evaluateow change management models could have supported Thomas Cook's process and systems improvements to help ensure appropriate benchmarks were met ? 2. Marks for Academic Quality Student will need to choose a formal style of report in outlining their findings and results in answering ALL the questions above. This report style should be academic in style NOT commercial. Both a reference list and bibliography should be produced to the Harvard Referencing convention and should be grammatically correct and elementary spelling mistakes should be corrected ? Answer:- Introduction Thomas Cook Group PLC is a company which is worth 12 billion travel and Leisure Company which was created in the year 2007. The creation of the company was through the merger of Thomas Cook AG and MyTravel Group PLC. The company today employs about 35,000 employees globally and has a fleet of 97 aircrafts which serve to customers across the 7 continents. The group has been known to focus on transforming as well as energizing the business in the field of travel and leisure with an attempt of ensuring that the company exceeds the expectations of the customers in every aspect. In the recent times the company has made great achievements and changed their style of management by including hi-tech and latest style of management and services. The focus is definitely on making profit and the company ensures that its activities are in line with the objectives and provides them a long term sustainable growth (Thomas Cook Group 2014). The important steps which the organization has undergone over the past few years includes the cost effective policies and an attempt of leveraging the brands for building their core products which could attract new customers and retains the existing base of customers. By the year 2012 the company had posed an operating profit margin of 1.6% with a gross profit margin at a strong 22%. The focus has shifted to reduce the cost of operations and making their services highly customizable as per independent client needs. The change which has been evident across the board has been inclusion of technology and the means of ecommerce to its services. The other approach which the company has followed is strategic partnerships with various businesses in all the regions it operates. It works on a strategic partnership model instead of merging or taking over smaller companies. In an attempt to build a much more effective organization and gain trusts of the business partners the company had recently introduced a new as well as evolved Group Code of Conduct. The entire policies enshrine the trust commitments as well as the shared culture which indeed reflects the proud heritage of the company being among the well-known names when the list of travel and leisure companies is prepared. In the coming years the company aims at offering its customers values and commitments in each and every interaction. Recently the CEO of the company declared that the company believes in having its operations based on three pillars of sustainability i.e. economic, environmental and social. With the dynamic nature of the world business environment and the increased needs and demands of customers the company has taken efforts to offer a sustainable strategy which ensures and covers the aspect of environmental as well as social topics and hereby creating value for strengthening the trust towards the brand (Accenture n.d.). The change management strategies which the company has deployed is directed towards the 2020 target of achieving ambitions goals which also lists down the key issues along with the risks across all segments. An initiative which speaks about their efforts is the drive for embracing Travelife Sustainability Systems at their hotels. Here they offer a wider supply chain as a part of long term program that benefits the customers and the suppliers. It in turn builds trust and increases efficiency and hence reduces the costs. The following report evaluates the change management strategies which the company has deployed over the past decade as an attempt to leverage upon the brand and grow as a comprehensive end to end travel service provider (Thomas Cook Group 2012). Changes adopted over the last decade by Thomas Cook Introduction of Ecommerce Ecommerce today rules the world market in terms of any kind of business, be it global or local. Thomas Cook after it become a global body was aware of e-commerce platform being a potential business platform for the future business. Its management realized that it required building a custom built platform for itself and catering to all its criteria for providing the service. The company brought the skills and experience from Accenture Travel Distribution Services to help them create an on-line distribution channel (Thomas Cook Group 2013). The company as a change management strategy had the following requirements which needed to be integrated to its ecommerce platform: The platform needed to support all the prevailing booking functionalities and offer enhanced content management systems. The management wanted to integrate a feature which could accommodate rapid, efficient implementation of its dynamic products and services. This required to include sourcing 3rd party products sold as a part of the companys package. The ecommerce platform need to recognize website visitors and track all the activities and behaviors Offer seamless integration with the complex IT architecture which would further be aligned with other IT plans inside the company. Create an ecommerce center of excellence which offered a full set of tools, features, contents, functionality as well as business services (Accenture 2013). With all the above objectives to be achieved and Thomas Cook created an ecommerce platform which controlled the web distribution channel and the experience of the customers. The initial stage included development of the roadmap and selecting the ecommerce framework from ATG or Art Technology Group Inc. With this platform the company was able to bring its best practices from on-line retailing in Financial Services and telecommunications industry to the travel industry. This enabled a number of new as well as improved areas like the improved features like customer reviews and a feature which allowed the customers to compare the different package options available. The company also got the feature of strengthening the personalization aspect of the customers. Overall this change in operations and a shift towards online operations supported the business processes and the organizational structure of the company. The entire structure of change and shift towards the online ecommerce platform was created in collaboration with Accenture which was also responsible for reengineering the helpdesk, sales as well as content management processes (Cats 2013). With Accenture taking care of the entire program management and system integration, Thomas Cook was able to utilize an onshore and offshore resource for optimizing its delivery capabilities. Its major solution functional design work was completed onshore. Strategic Partnerships with businesses Thomas Group is known to have served to over 19 million customers till today. It has its own 3000 outlets in across the globe with over 97 aircrafts of their own. It employs more than 33,000 employees globally. However, the company largely depends on its strategic business partners which it has in almost every region it operates. After the initial formation of the company they have shifted focus towards growing strategic business partners instead of merging or taking over different smaller companies. In this way the company has been granted a huge market to exploit and hence a larger business territory. However, with its strategic business partners it practices the same Group policy which are exclusive to its services (LYXK 2013). The company uses its network and clubs the services of the strategic partners to offer a wider choice to the customers. They have tie-ups with leading airline companies, hotels, local travel agents, and transportation service providers in different countries. Based on the customers needs and requirements the company offers the different packages which its partners have on offer. With a wide array of partners and from virtually every budget category, the company is able to cater to customers who want leisure or affordable travel options (Sourcing Focus n.d.). Porters Generic Strategies for change management strategies Analyzing the change management strategies within Thomas Cook using the Porters Generic Strategies model is due to the fact that the company shifted its traditional strategy of cost leadership to differentiation. This was seen an attempt for re-establishing the competitiveness for the challenging times and change in business environment. Thomas Cook had been in the news for several wrong reasons before it shifted its business strategy. That had led to a reduction of share prices and losses to the company in 2008. In travel industry, Consumer confidence plays a crucial role and the situation had put serious doubts about the companys survival. This is when the company shifted its strategies towards differentiation and gave away with the cost leadership strategies and attempts practiced over the years (Cambridgeshire Chamber 2011). The components and drivers for the strategy can be summarized as below: High Asset Turnover: Thomas Cook had the ability of operating airlines which had high capacity utilization and intensively on the short haul routes. Low Operating Costs: This was achieved by the company by offering standardized products with few options for the customer personalization. AN example can be filling up of 3 Star hotels in Spain and Greece with passengers travelling in the same flight. Controlling the supply chain and high bargaining power over suppliers: Being a travel operator with over 3-5 million people for short haul trips in each season certainly gave it the ability of getting good bargains with the suppliers. But the factors like the holidaymakers being more confident of going on foreign trips and having the ability of organizing trips independently meant the company had to look beyond just offering standardized services. This is here where the company made the 1st mover advantage by offering the aspect of personalization to customers and catering to individual needs. This was seen as a major driver for the change within the company after 2008-09 (Condor 2013). Kotters Change Management Model contributing towards the strategic drift in strategies In order to evaluate the role of change management models in the strategic shift of the business strategies by Thomas Cook we try to evaluate the changes by using the Kotters 8 Change Model. 1. Increase the urgency for change: Thomas Cook which followed the conventional approach of offering cost effective solutions was facing stiff competition and a market which was not suitable for the changing environment. The company was making losses and customers were themselves creating their custom holiday packages and travelling across. The simple structured and same for all packages which the company had been offering was not pleasing the customers. Seeking the shift in customer behavior Thomas Cook and its management was quick to respond and create an urgency to bring about change in their business approach (Cloud Front 2014). 2. Build a team dedicated to change: Once the company had the entire requirements before and understood the key requirements of its customers, it created its own dedicated team and partnered with Accenture to facilitate the ecommerce initiatives of the company. In collaboration with Accenture, the company had a professional as well as an experienced team to take care of the ecommerce needs and support the marketing systems. On the other hand, the company resorted to tie-up with regional travel agents, hotel chains, transport service providers, airlines, etc. to offer their services and cater to a larger network. It was exactly opposite of its previous approach of merging or taking over companies and creating its own dedicated service network (Cloud Front 2014). 3. Create the vision for change: Once the team was prepared and the partners were selected, the third step which this model suggests is creating the vision for the change required. The vision which the company developed was a differentiation strategy. It projected itself as a different player which offers differentiated services from its competitors. The different options of selecting dedicated package and the option to get it customized made all the difference. The company also introduced the feature of comparing different packages offered by itself through the ecommerce website (NCC Group n.d.). 4. Communicate the need for change: Thomas Cook made a series of advertisements, promotions, and deployed social media channels to promote its offerings. This facilitated them to reach to a wider audience through every means possible. Its own website served as a 24 hour office which offered the customers to choose compare and select their favorite travel options. Adding ease spread the message across and the company was able to quickly reach to a vast audience. 5. Empower staff with the ability to change: Thomas Cook empowered its employees with equal powers irrespective of the locations they had been operating from. Additionally, all the members, strategic business partners, and other associates of the company were collectively under the umbrella of the Thomas Cook Group. Accenture on the other hand was responsible for handling the entire online operations which extended from basic ecommerce website to marketing to social media promotions (Skift 2013). 6. Create short term goals: As stated in the annual reports of the company, the administration had prepared short term goals which ranged from a year to two. The achievements and the progress of the steps initiated by the company were also summarized in the annual reports. 7. Stay Persistent: Thomas Cook till today from the year 2010 has been persistent in its strategies. It captures a huge market through internet while it has consistently been increasing its strategic partners. On the customer front the company offers travel options to customers in virtually every domain which starts from the tour packages to as simple as car rental. Thus, it has remained persistent with offering a complete travel solution to its customers (Super Brands India 2014). 8. Make the change permanent: The 3 pillars which was referred to above i.e. economic, environmental and social is still the basis for operations of the company. The strategies have worked well with them and they have been consolidating on it while making the change permanent. Conclusion After evaluating the case of Thomas Cook we are pretty clear about the progress the company has made over the years. The porters generic study and the Kotters Change Model portrays that there was an urgent need of the company to change its strategy owing to the changing dynamics of the business in its domain. The changes worked wonderfully for the company and helped it grow by manifolds. Today, Thomas Cook is a leading Travel and Leisure Company which caters to virtually every need a customer might have. Additionally the company is a global name and present in almost all the continent (Boozallenm n.d.). Therefore, it shows us that changing business strategies as Thomas Cook b any company is essential to stay ahead in the competition. First mover advantage like introduction of ecommerce and changing the business strategy to work in collaboration by the company shows that right changes at the right times would work wonders for the company. References Thomas Cook Group 2014, 1H 2014 results announcement and strategy update, accessed on 6th January 2015, Accenture, Helping Thomas Cook UK Ireland achieve high performance with a flexible, scalable e-commerce platform that delivers a highly personalized customer experience, accessed on 6th January 2015, Thomas Cook Group 2012, Thomas Cook Group Sustainability Report 2012, accessed on 6th January 2015, Thomas Cook Group 2013, Annual Report, Report, accessed on 6th January 2015, Accenture 2013, Accenture Thomas Cook Ecommerce Platform, accessed on 6th January 2015, LYXK 2013, Tour Operator Marketing Strategies: From Made by Tour Operators to Made by Tourism, accessed on 6th January 2015, Cats 2013, The Transformation of Thomas Cook, accessed on 6th January 2015, Sourcing Focus, Thomas Cook, accessed on 6th January 2015, Cambridgeshire Chamber 2011, An Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, accessed on 6th January 2015, Condor 2013, The Thomas Cook Group unites as one team with new Sunny Heart brand, accessed on 6th January 2015, Cloud Front 2014, Thomas Cook, accessed on 6th January 2015, Ikya Global 2013, Thomas Cook (India) Limited announces the acquisition of a 74% stake in IKYA Human Capital Solutions, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s leading HR Solutions Company, accessed on 6th January 2015, NCC Group, Thomas Cook, accessed on 6th January 2015, Business Standard 2014, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. Thomas Cook (India) Ltd., accessed on 6th January 2015, Essay Blog, Tourism strategy of Thomas Cook, accessed on 6th January 2015, Skift 2013, New Growth Strategy and updated profit improvement plans, accessed on 6th January 2015, Super Brands India 2014, Thomas Cook, Boozallenm Take a Trip into the Future, accessed on 6th January 2015, Intech Open, Golden Age of Mass Tourism: Its History and Development, accessed on 6th January 2015, He Academy, Strategic Management for Tourism, accessed on 6th January 2015, Ad little, Tourism industry in turbulent times, accessed on 6th January 2015,

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Themes of Innocence and/Or Experience

Introduction The themes of innocence and/or experience come out clearly in A good man is Hard to Find by O’Connor, Salvation by Hughes, AP by Updike and Advice to My Son by Meinke.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Themes of Innocence and/Or Experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The characters in these three stories portray innocence while the theme of experience stands out conspicuously in the poem. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, grandmother shows innocence for she has blind faith and she considers everyone a ‘good man.’ Sammy in AP shows a lot of innocence as he struggles to handle his feelings towards some scantily dressed young women. Langston’s innocence leads him to give up on his faith in Salvation while on the other side; Meinke shows experience as he gives, Advice to His (My) Son. The characters in these three stories portray the theme of innocence whilst the narrator in th e poem portrays the theme of experience. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, the grandmother exhibits innocence of a small child. She simply believes everyone is a ‘good man’ without questioning his or her goodness. After Red Sammy questions why he has allowed some strangers to bill their gasoline, grandmother says, â€Å"you did it because you are a good man† (O’Connor 30). Simply because Red Sammy allowed two strangers to bill their gasoline, grandmother calls him a good man; this is innocence mixed with gullibility. When she recognizes Misfit and says that he cannot shoot a woman, the grandmother brands him, ‘a good man’ and calls him â€Å"one of my own children† (O’Connor 33). Due to the grandmother’s innocence, she believes Misfit is a ‘good man’ and thinks that he qualifies to be one of her children simply because he would not shoot a woman and he believes in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, her innocence turns f atal when Misfit shoots her dead. Grandmother’s actions are driven by her innocence as O’Connor brings out this theme. In AP, Sammy is very innocent. Due to his innocence, he allows the three girls to enter the grocery even though they are appareled for the beach; something not allowed in this grocery. After the general manager of the grocery reproves the women because of their dressing, Sammy feels embarrassed, removes his apron, and resigns immediately. He says, â€Å"†¦but remembering how he made that pretty girl blush makes me so scrunchy inside† (Updike Para. 7).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He innocently sympathizes with these girls for no good reason to an extent of feeling ‘scrunchy’. He runs out expecting that the three women would sympathize with him only to find they are gone. All these events underline Sammy’s inno cence. The fact that Sammy is willing to quit his job because he feels his ‘friends’ have been mistreated, highlights how innocent he is with feelings concerning women. Hughes in Salvation presents a rare case of innocence. When Langston hears about Jesus’ sermon on the mountain, he takes it literally without knowing Jesus used metaphors. Auntie Reed tells him, â€Å"when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to your insides† (Hughes Para. 5). Due to his innocence, Hughes expects to see light and feel something; he believed this because, hitherto he had heard, â€Å"a great many old people say the same thing† (Hughes Para. 6). The fact that Hughes took what he heard literally and believed because he had heard many people say such things in the past underpins his innocence. To cap it all, he finally gives up in believing Jesus because he cannot hear anything in his insides or see any light as Auntie Reed said. The theme of innocence comes out clearly here because Hughes cannot figure out what salvation really means if he cannot literally see what he hears from the adults. Finally, Meinke as he advises his son portrays the theme of experience. He starts by saying, â€Å"live your days/ as if each one may be your last† (Meinke line 1-2). From experience, Meinke knows that the only time a person has is now; yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never be; therefore, it makes logic to live life now. However, from experience he knows that tomorrow may come and to be on the safe side, one has to plan and he says, â€Å"But at the same time, plan long range† (Meinke line 5). He has experience to let his son know that there is need to plan for future. Finally, tells his son, â€Å"†¦marry a pretty girl/ after seeing her mother† (Meinke line 17-18). From experience, Meinke knows that girls take after their mothers and these three statements portray experience in the poem. Conclusion The characters in A good man is Hard to Find, Salvation, AP portray the theme of innocence clearly. The grandmother in A Good Man is Hard to Find, due to her innocence believes that everyone is a ‘good man’ because of what he or she does now. Sammy in AP resigns because he innocently believes that his boss has mistreated the three scantily dressed women. Hughes in Salvation disowns his faith because he does not see or experience the things that his auntie had associated with salvation. He innocently pronounces Jesus for what people say does not happen like seeing light when someone is saved. Finally, Meinke in Advice to My Son shows the theme of experience. From experience he knows that girls take after their mothers hence advises his son to a girl after seeing her mother.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Themes of Innocence and/Or Experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Hughes, Langston. â€Å"Sal vation.† Strange Fires. N.d. Web. Meinke, Peter. â€Å"Advice to My Son.† 2006. Web. O’Connor, Flannery. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.† Asals, Fredrick. (ed). New York; The State University, 1993. Updike, John. â€Å"AP.† N.d. Web. This essay on Themes of Innocence and/Or Experience was written and submitted by user Dixie Davis to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.