Saturday, May 23, 2020

Questions On Extra Credit Assignment - 1468 Words

Extra Credit Assignment In the United States, we encounter quite a bit of obstacles that we can’t seem to get rid of completely. We as a nation deal with inflation, unemployment, stagflation, recessions, depressions, and so much more. Reading these three articles opened my eyes to the world of economics, and even made me question the society we live in. I’ve learned that sometimes questions can’t be answered, and I learned that once we solve one issue, there is always another issue on its way. These articles made me analyze, and think about the future of economics, and what I can do to try and help the economy. These authors of these three articles make it very clear that there are issues in the United States, and they do an amazing job†¦show more content†¦HeilBroner explains that the lucky half to two thirds of the nation did not lose jobs, its apartments or homesteads or its life savings, but for his family the Depression was a series of frightening realities. One component of this article that I consider a major strength is that HeilBroner went to Harvard in 1936, and he took economics because he thought it would help him understand the obstacles they were encountering. I personally feel like this is a strength because he didn’t dwell on his unfortunate circumstances, but instead he went out and learned about what he could do to fix his situation, which I admire dearly. HeilBroner also explains that even his professors didn’t have the answers to the Great Depression, from this particular article I sense that not many people had a clue of what was going on, but they were trying their best to learn. Another strength of HeilBroner’s argument is the he discussed the money income in the United States. The total money income of the people in the United States was about $80,000,000,000 in 1929, and then in 1932 it fell to $40,000,000,000. Consequently, Keynes brought clarity to the subject of the Great Depression and unemployment, his argument suggested that unemployment may not be a temporary condition that the system could naturally recover. Keynes believed that unemployment could in fact reach equilibrium. In this article the Depression was seen as a condition of unemployment brought about aShow MoreRelatedThe 10 Steps Of Being A Successful Student848 Words   |  4 Pagesdown and review their progress on a regular schedule. 2. Managing Time - Students are very busy and in order to have success they need to organize their time each day. This can begin by having a planner or calendar that can be used to record all assignments and activities. The planner should be utilized daily, weekly, and monthly. When developing a schedule the students first priority is having enough time to study each day. School related business is also a high priority on the planner. 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