Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Breakfast Club Analysis Paper Outline - 1187 Words

The Breakfast Club Analysis Paper Outline Abstract The character of Andrew is used to explore moral reasoning, identity statuses, and the effect of peer pressure on an adolescent development. Andrew’s character was analyzed to see how it is related to the Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of Moral Reasoning. It was found that he displayed both the preconventional level and the conventional level. However he has not displayed the postconventional level. His character was analyzed to see how it is related to James Marcia theory of identity statuses. His character display identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, but has not displayed any signs of identity achievement. Finally his character was be analyzed to see how he†¦show more content†¦Example 2a - Andrew wants to respect authority but when Mr. Bender disrespects Mr. Vern, Andrew eventually follows Mr. Bender and the group. Example 2b - Andrew says that smoking weed is bad, but eventually gives in to smoking weed. Theory 2 – Conventional level is where moral reasoning is based on society’s norms. Example 3 – Andrew has not shown any examples where his decisions were based on his personal moral code. Theory 3 – Postconventional level is morality is based on a personal moral code. Topic 1 Conclusion – The days without his jock friends, he might change because he feels guilty there is a chance he will look to his own beliefs when making moral decisions. But when he returns to school if he continues to hang out with his jock friends he might remain like he was. Topic 2 – James Marcia theory of identity statuses Example 1 – Andrew displays Identity Diffusion when he conforms to peer pressure and follows the acceptable behavior of the group. When the group decides to leave the library, he also follows even though he know the teacher has strictly forbade them from leaving their chair. Theory 1 – Identity Diffusion is â€Å"A state in which the individual has few, if any commitments, to anyone or to a set of beliefs – they emphasis personal gratification.† Example 2 – Andrew has accepted his father’s beliefs and chose to emulate his father even though he doesn’t fully believe them.Show MoreRelatedMombassa3291 Words   |  14 Pages80118110084 Pillai, Satish 80118110099 Seth, Rahul â€Æ' Country Notebook The Country Notebook—A Guide for Developing a Marketing Plan The Country Notebook Outline †¢ I. Cultural Analysis †¢ II. Economic Analysis †¢ III. Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis †¢ IV. Preliminary Marketing Plan I. Cultural Analysis Mombasa’s history dates back to the 16th century, and it has been ruled by the Portuguese, Arabs and British-which have all influenced the town’s culture and the attractionsRead MoreEntertaiment Youth Club3677 Words   |  15 PagesMARKETING PLAN for entertaiment youth club I. 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